As a strategic planner, this is my favorite time of year. All year is my favorite because there is no right time to begin your goals, learn something new, or move forward with a new idea. So it’s ok if you are not ready just yet!
For the past few years, I have chosen a word for the year. Selecting a word or words helps me to stay focused on one idea throughout the year. Sometimes my word is around a habit I need to change or something I want to see from God. Last year I chose consistency. I needed to work on patterns that kept me consistent in health, financial choices, spending time with my daughter, serving in my business, etc. I wasn’t perfect at all, but it helped me to stay focused on my goals when I wanted to quit.
This year my word is abundance.
I want to experience the abundance of God in every area of my life, especially in health (most importantly), finances, connecting in friendships, business, etc. At the end of last year, this word came to me as I was thinking and planning for the new year.
If you have never done this, here are some tips to help with your word choice.
- What do you want to see in the new year? Is there a habit you need to change that will help push your goals forward? Is your life moving in a new direction for the new year? Think of a word that helps to summarize a change you want to see in yourself or your life this year. Here are some examples: Trust, Abundance, Consistency, Truth, Overflow, Love, God, Restraint, Forward.
- Write down why you want to use this word. Is it connected to your goals or something you want to see changed in your life? Write down your why and make it clear.
- Once you have your word, post it somewhere in your home where you look daily. You can make this into a creative vision board or graphic for your phone. Place the word in a prominent location so you can see it every day. It will help keep you focused on your goal.
- Find scriptures or find inspirational quotes that help you anchor your word in your goal. For example, using my word Abundance:
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
“Abundance is not something we acquire but something we tune into” Wayne Dyer